SENCO Handbook

This document has been developed to signpost you to a range of resources as well as the SEND Code of Practice (2015) that will help you to develop your knowledge, skills and understanding.

For further information, support and referral forms from our SEND teams please visit our Services page.

For more information about activities, volunteering opportunities and community organisations for your learners visit OurGateshead – Gateshead’s community website

The Transitions Team

The Transitions Team

Transition-to-Adulthood-Easy-ReadDownload Transitions-Team-LeafletDownload What is Transition?Transition is the process by which young disabled...

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Transition is the process where young people with SEND receive the support they need to move into adulthood. The transition process should be led by...

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This section contains all of the information you need regarding your choices for after leaving school and anything Post-16 related. If you are...

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Preparing for Adulthood

Preparing for Adulthood

All young people face changes as they move from being teenagers to becoming adults and need to make important decisions about their future. This...

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Here you will find additional information or resources for training to support your practice.

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