Preparing for Adulthood

Services and Support » Preparing for Adulthood

All young people face changes as they move from being teenagers to becoming adults and need to make important decisions about their future. This change can be even more complicated if you have special educational needs, a learning difficulty or disability. It is important that the right information, advice and support is provided at this time to achieve a smooth transition into adulthood.

From Year 9 onwards, young people in Gateshead with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are supported at annual review meetings to identify their aspirations for adulthood. Their EHCP will become more focused on what support they need to help them prepare for adulthood and to become as independent as possible.

For more information, advice and resources to help you, visit the Department for Education’s Preparing for Adulthood – NDTi 


If you are thinking about what to do next, we would love to share with you some of our post-16 options and get your feedback on what you’d like to do or know more about! click here – So, what’s next? 

Community Inclusion

Community Inclusion

Community inclusion is important because all people, regardless of their abilities, should be able to participate and engage in a full range of...

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Independent Living

Independent Living

Deciding to move into your own home is a life-changing decision whatever your personal circumstances, but particularly for young people with SEND....

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Young people should be supported to manage their own health as they move into adulthood. Young people with learning disabilities should be...

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Further Advice

Further Advice

The world of SEND can be confusing but help is at hand! There are a number of services and people in Gateshead that can help you to understand the...

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Gateshead Youth Council

Gateshead Youth Council

Gateshead Youth Council is a group of Young People who meet weekly to discuss issues affecting young people, deliver social action projects, make...

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Sometimes it's hard to express how you feel or to feel confident enough to talk to people about your concerns. This is where someone called an...

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Gateshead Young Inspectors

Gateshead Young Inspectors

Gateshead Young Inspectors are a group of young people who meet weekly and get involved with testing out Gateshead services aimed at young people,...

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One Voice Youth Network

One Voice Youth Network

One Voice Youth Network is Gateshead’s Children in Care Council, it is a statutory duty for every Local Authority to have some kind of Children in...

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Managing Uncertainty

Managing Uncertainty

Educational Psychologists at Gateshead Psychological Service have created this short video aimed at supporting teens and young adults. It includes...

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Transition is the process where young people with SEND receive the support they need to move into adulthood. The transition process should be led by...

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The Transitions Team

The Transitions Team

Transition-to-Adulthood-Easy-ReadDownload Transitions-Team-LeafletDownload What is Transition?Transition is the process by which young disabled...

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Supported Employment Film

Supported Employment Film

Gateshead has numerous ways for young people with additional needs to access employment opportunities. In this film, young adults adults with...

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