Scroll down to see Gateshead's SEND Strategic Priority Action Plan!

Support for children and young people with SEND

The Gateshead Local Offer brings together information for children and young people aged 0-25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.

 This includes information about services and support, and advice and guidance on education, health, social care and transport.

Contact us at 

Phone 0191 433 3626

You can also keep up to date by following the Gateshead Local Offer Facebook page

  In association with Healthy Growing Gateshead

SEND Local Offer Website Update

Gateshead Council are currently working on refreshing the SEND Local Offer website.
As the Local Offer is for parents, carers and young people with SEND, we would like you to help shape the refreshed website.
You will be asked to sort a list of subjects into groups that make sense to you. The activity shouldn’t take longer than 10 or 15 minutes to complete.
If you are happy to take part, please use this link

We Asked…

What do you think of Gateshead’s Local Offer? 

You Said…

The site is much more user friendly. The search button works really well.

The site needs to have drop down menus to support navigation.

We Did…

We are currently adding additional ways to make the site accessible in consultation with young people and families.

Keep your eyes open for the forthcoming Young People’s Hub section.

What you need to know about the Local Offer

The Department for Education has created a Local Offer Guide and video which explains what is meant by “Local Offer” and what you can expect from your local authority.

SEND Strategic Priority Action Plan

In response to the published Local Area SEND Inspection Report Gateshead have produced a Priority SEND Action Plan which details how as a local area we will respond to the identified areas for improvement. If you have any questions in relation to this action plan please contact:  SENTeam@Gateshead.Gov.UK

Click Here!
Young People’s Hub

Young People’s Hub

This page aims to be a safe space for young people with additional needs in Gateshead to access relevant information and express their views and...

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This section contains information about the educational support available for children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs or disabilities.

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This section provides information about the health professionals and services that support children and young people with special educational needs...

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Social Care

Social Care

Support and services are available for children and young people with disabilities who have been assessed as a Child in Need (CIN), and who may also...

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Early Support

Early Support

Early Support is a way of working which aims to improve the delivery of services for disabled children, young people and their families. It enables...

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Here you will find information, referral forms, proformas and CPD to support you in the role of SENDCo.

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There are a variety of specialist services and teams who provide support, advice and guidance individuals who may have Autism Spectrum Conditions...

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This section outlines the transport support available for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities. Getting Out and...

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In Gateshead and across the North East there are a range of play and leisure activities you can take part in. The SEND activities directory has been...

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Preparing for Adulthood

Preparing for Adulthood

All young people face changes as they move from being teenagers to becoming adults and need to make important decisions about their future. This...

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Concerns or Complaints

Concerns or Complaints

We hope that you find the services you or your child receives are of excellent quality and well suited to your needs. Occasionally, something may...

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Your Views

Your Views

We welcome your views about our Local Offer. If you think information is missing or needs to be added or updated you can tell us...

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This page includes events and activities for children, Young People, families and professionals. 

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