We hope that you find the services you or your child receives are of excellent quality and well suited to your needs. Occasionally, something may have gone wrong, you may not agree with something and you want to discuss this with someone or make a complaint.
Report a Hate Crime
If you have been a victim of hate crime because of your race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability please report it, 24 hour phone: 0191 433 2648.
Raising a Concern
The links below explain what you can do if you have a concern or would like to make a complaint about education, health or social care services.
You can contact Gateshead’s SEND Information, Advice and Support Service which offers free impartial advice for both parents of children with SEN...
Independent Disagreement Resolution
Independent disagreement resolution (IDR) is a way of resolving disagreements in a quick and non-confrontational way. Young people with SEN and...
Single Route of Redress Trial
What is the outcome of the National Trial? The National Trial commenced from April 2018 to August 2021 testing the extended powers for the SEND...