Preparing for Adulthood, Your Views
Here at Gateshead Council we want Children and Young People:• To have their voices heard• To have their views taken seriously• To have a say in how services are run• To know that they have rights in line with Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights...
Get Involved!, Health Forums, Preparing for Adulthood, Your Views
Gateshead Youth Council is a group of Young People who meet weekly to discuss issues affecting young people, deliver social action projects, make friends and get to do something interesting. Members of GYA work with Gateshead Council and other members of the Gateshead...
Preparing for Adulthood, Your Views
Sometimes it’s hard to express how you feel or to feel confident enough to talk to people about your concerns. This is where someone called an advocate can step in and help you. An advocate is a person who works for you and is trained to support you to get your...