Independent Disagreement Resolution
Get in touch with your case worker (their name will be at the top of any letters you receive from the SEND) or call the SEND Team on 0191 433 3626. If you prefer, you can ask Gateshead’s SEN Disability Information Advice Service or, your Independent Supporter to...
Raise a Concern About an Education, Health and Care Plan
If you let us know that you disagree with the decision that has been made, you will normally be invited to a meeting to try to resolve the disagreement. You can bring someone to support you at any meetings. This person could be a relative or friend, a supporter...
Raise a Concern About an Education, Health and Care Plan
If you have attended a meeting with us and are still unhappy, you can ask for a mediation meeting. Mediation meetings can be held to try to resolve disagreements about education, health and/or social care parts of the EHC plan. Mediation is where a...
Raise a Concern About an Education, Health and Care Plan
If you are unhappy with our decision following the meeting, and your disagreement is about the education part of the EHC plan, you can appeal to the tribunal. The tribunal is an independent body that hears appeals about our decisions following a request for an...