What is Transition?
Transition is the process by which young disabled people receive the support they need to
move into adulthood. The transition process should be led by the wishes and needs of the
young person as identified in their person-centred care and support plan.
The Transition Team
The Transition Team work with young people and their carers who have received support from
children’s services and/or are likely to need social care support after the young person reaches 18.
There can be many changes in how services are provided when the young person reaches
18, so the Transition Team works closely with other professionals and services; such as Children’s
Services (Disabled Children’s Team and Children in Our Care Team), the Early Help Team, SEND
Team, CYPS, Adult Community Learning Disabilities Team, and schools and colleges.
To be eligible for a referral you need to have an identified need for care and support under the
Care Act (2014) due to either a Physical Disability, Mental Impairment, Learning Disability/and or
Autism. As part of the screening process we may also request information about your diagnosis
from the other professionals working with you for example your G.P, Nurse or Psychologist/
For those young people who are already receiving children’s services, their social worker will
make a referral to the Transitions Team following their 16th birthday. Alternatively, those young
people who are not receiving Children’s Services can make a self-referral online by visiting
Other professionals may also refer a young person for an assessment with the young person’s
consent by contacting 0191 4337033 or online by visiting www.gateshead.gov.uk/careassessments.
Education Health and Care Plan Reviews
As part of the Transitions Team, a transitions team rep currently attends Year 9 and Year 12 EHCP
reviews where they can provide information and advice regarding preventative, universal
and specialist services. They attend information events at special schools, signpost to health
colleagues and offer information around self-referrals for a transitions assessment (initial care
assessment) to those who may have eligible, adult care and support needs, but who are not
currently open to Children’s Services.
What happens if the young person is not eligible for a referral to the Transitions Team?
If the young person does not meet the eligibility criteria for a referral into the Transitions Team
but is likely to have care and support needs as an adult, then the young person and/or carer can
request an assessment via Adult Social Care Direct after their 18th birthday.
However, it is recognised that young people do not always receive a diagnosis of a Learning
Disability as a child, therefore if there is a strong likelihood that a young person may have
a Learning Disability (LD) then they can be referred by the Transitions Team to the Health/
Transitions Group for a full health assessment prior to their 18th birthday for an LD screening to
be considered.