Young People’s Substance Misuse Gateshead Service – referral update
From 1st November 2022, the provider of the substance misuse service for young people in Gateshead has changed from Humankind to Change Grow Live. This will be a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for young people up to the age of 18.
Following consultation with children and young people and staff the new service will be called Positive Futures Gateshead.
As a service, they will be providing friendly support around drugs and alcohol, alongside offering a provision for parents, carers and professionals who work with young people in Gateshead.
The support they offer as a service is both flexible and accessible, and people can refer in through their website using their online referral form here.
People can also make a referral over the phone by calling the team on 0191 4601354 (Note this number has been retained from the original service for ease of access). They can also email the team to discuss any queries they have too gatesheadyp.info@cgl.org.uk