Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society (Newcastle & Gateshead Branch)
We are a local branch for local people living with the effects of Multiple Sclerosis. It is run by volunteers and relies upon donations and fundraising. For example:
- We provide support and information for anyone affected by MS.
- We produce a bimonthly newsletter for all members.
- We have various social events and outings throughout the year.
- We have a large following on our social media pages
- Have young carers activities.
The 4th Tuesday of the month we hold a relaxing social get together at the Job Bullman in Gosforth. We don’t have a fixed base or office but we do have social drop-ins weekly and fortnightly where you can get information in an informal and welcoming environment over refreshments and maybe do some gentle chair based exercise or have a complementary therapy. Different trips are held throughout the year. See the website or newsletter for more details.
Our social drop-ins are held Thursdays 12.30-15.00 at Lemington Centre NE15 8RZ
Tuesdays 9.00-11.30 at Fawdon Community Centre NE3 2PJ
Monday Fortnightly 12.30-14.45 at Gateshead Central Library Prince Consort Road NE8 4LN
You can contact us on
0191 2670594
Tweet us at @MSSnewcastle
Young Person’s Groups: www.mssociety.org.uk/near-me/localservices/newcastle-and-gateshead-branch-young-peoples-group