More information

The world of SEN can be confusing but there are lots of people who are trained and experienced who can help you through the assessment process and help support you and your child.

If your child has SEN but does not have an EHC Plan, don’t worry, there is still lots of support available to them.

Gateshead’s Family Information Directory has a Local Offer section holding information about the advice, support and services available for parents with children with SEN or disabilities in Gateshead.

By registering your child on the Gateshead Network of Children with Disabilities they will receive free or discounted access to leisure centres, swimming pools and cultural and historic places of interest in Gateshead.

A variety of inclusive and accessible activities are available for children, young people and families at Gateshead Children’s Centres.

Cerebra is a national charity helping children with brain conditions and their families discover a better life together.