For the majority of young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan, their needs can be met within educational settings in Gateshead. If there is no local provision in Gateshead that can meet a young person’s exceptionally complex needs, they may be eligible to access specialist educational provision outside of Gateshead. Only young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan can access specialist provision.
Decisions about specialist educational placements are made by a multi-agency panel. The panel considers the young person’s current needs, aspirations, progression and outcomes as identified at their last Education, Health and Care Plan annual review to decide whether a placement is appropriate. As with any transfer to a new educational placement, this needs to enable the young person to make progression in terms of their educational attainment and development, and this will be considered by the panel.
View the full Section 41 list of all independent and non-maintained special schools in England and the Natspec directory of post-16 independent colleges.