Our team aims to deliver the highest standards of care for children.
With a commitment to continuous improvement, lean working practices and innovation, our ultimate vision is to advance the health and wellbeing of all children.
We look after all children who either come into the hospital in an emergency or those children and young people who have longer term health problems.
Children and young people are seen within the following clinics:
General paediatric clinics where common childhood conditions are seen and specialist clinics, some with a more multidisciplinary team available as below:
- Epilepsy (at times with visiting Neurologist from Newcastle)
- Allergy clinic
- Diabetes and endocrine conditions
- Neurofibromatosis ( NF1) clinic
- Gastroenterology including coeliac disease and constipation
- Feeding clinics (hospital and special schools), includes Autism feeding study days
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and medical problems in eating disorders
- BCG clinic
- Neuro disability
- Refugee clinics
- Eczema clinics
Community paediatric clinics – conditions treated Delay in gross motor skills
- Concerns regarding coordination and fine motor skills
- Concerns regarding sensory processing
- Children with a significant and confirmed hearing impairment
- Children with as suspected or confirmed significant vision impairment
- Vulnerable children with a health or developmental concern
- School aged children with developmental concerns other than exclusions below
- Children with ano-genital symptoms
Child Development clinic (at Chowdene Children’s centre):
Pre-school children with concerns regarding social communication and children with complex and multiple developmental needs ( including genetic disorders ) are seen by a multidisciplinary team including a doctor, they are referred by the health visitor