Gateshead Psychological Service (GPS)
We are a team of Educational Psychologists (EPs) and Assistant Educational Psychologists (AsEPs) dedicated to supporting and promoting positive outcomes for children and young people in Gateshead. We have knowledge and experience in child development, how children and young people learn, mental health and wellbeing and school systems.

What do we do?
We provide a unique service that applies psychology and knowledge of children’s development to improve the learning, wellbeing and mental health of children and young people up to the age of 25 years.
We work with individuals, groups and organisations to help identify and meet the needs of children and young people, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), those who are vulnerable in other ways or those experiencing barriers to their learning or development.
We may specifically consider barriers to learning relating to the broad areas of need within the SEND Code of Practice. These are:
· Communication and Interaction
· Cognition and Learning
· Social, Emotional and Mental Health
· Sensory and/or Physical needs
We work collaboratively with staff, parents and children or young people to consider effective interventions and achieve positive change. We also work closely with other team members in educationGateshead as well as schools, health or social care professionals.
We are skilled in Consultation, Assessment, Intervention, Training and Research and are trained in specific evidence-based interventions.
How to use the service
Educational psychologists may become involved via a request from the Local Authority or from a school or other educational setting who has a Service Level Agreement with the EPS.
The EPS is not able to accept direct referrals from parents or young people at this time.
We currently operate a core service and a traded service to schools and education settings which are outlined below.
Core Service
Our core service includes the following:
· Individual case work for children or young people requiring a Statutory Assessment initiated by the Local Authority
· Rapid support for schools and education settings for critical incidents and bereavement
Traded Service
In addition to our core service, educational settings in Gateshead have the option of purchasing bespoke support to meet their own individual needs and priorities in collaboration with our team. This can be focused upon narrowing the gaps in attainment, improving academic progress, promoting inclusion, transition needs or supporting the development of school staff. A setting must have a Service Level Agreement for our traded service.
The nature of the traded work is negotiated with the educational setting. Before any direct work with children or young people is undertaken, a signed parental consent form must be obtained. Parents/carers must have seen the completed referral form before they sign so we know they have given informed consent.
Examples of the type of work we provide are:
· Individual case work aimed at improving our understanding of a child or young person’s needs and working with others to remove barriers to development, learning and inclusion.
· Staff drop ins where concerns can be discussed on a no name basis and general strategies discussed.
· Supporting school systems and working with others to consider policies and guidance to support children and young people.
· Training and project work according to the individual needs of the education setting
· Parent/carer consultations to develop a shared understanding and support parent/carer involvement.
· Research into specific areas that are impacting on the school and may help to provide evidence based next steps.
· Intervention work at the request of the school. This may include: group work such as Lego Therapy, Friendship Groups, Understanding Emotions, WOWW Approach (Working on What Works); assessment work such as dynamic assessment, standardised assessments or observations.
Training Offer
Our training is informed by the latest evidence base and designed to improve outcomes for children and young people through developing the skills of school staff. These can be tailored to the school’s current needs and development plan. This can be delivered either face to face or online.
Some example training on offer includes:
· ACEs and Resilience
· Attachment
· Anxiety
· Bereavement and Loss
· Children and Young People’s Wellbeing
· Developing Independent Learning Skills
· Emotion Coaching
· Supporting Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing
· Beating Exam Stress
Other Information
We are part of the wider educationGateshead network of services, which has a range of knowledge about the children and families within Gateshead schools.
We have a dedicated Twitter Account, where we provide updates and links to resources. Please follow us on: @Gateshead_GPS
Contact Information
For further information please contact the Educational Psychology Service
Telephone Number: 0191 433 8550