Find Dentists

Find Dentists

There is no need to register with a dentist in the same way as with a GP because you are not bound to a catchment area. Simply find a dental surgery that’s convenient for you, whether it’s near your home or work, and phone them to see if there are any...


Getting a good night’s sleep is important for children, young people and adults. If you have concerns about your child’s sleeping habits you will find this booklet useful. You will find information about how to develop good sleep practices and how to avoid sleep...
Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome

This is a guide for parent carers with children and young people who have Down syndrome. In this guide you will find information on:• Down syndrome• How Down syndrome may affect you and your child• Where to go for further support and information...
Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy

This guide to cerebral palsy has been produced to provide general information, guidance and sign-posting for parent carers of children and young people diagnosed with cerebral palsy, or who are in the process of getting a diagnosis:...
Sexual Health

Sexual Health

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