Gateshead Access to Employment Service (GATES) serves to support people with disabilities to gain and maintain paid employment in the local community. GATES not only provides a seamless pathway from education to work for young adults with disabilities, but,...
As a fully inclusive college, we pride ourselves on offering the very best quality of education to our whole community, which includes those with learning difficulties, physical and sensory disabilities and those with a specific learning difficulty. Part of our offer...
Vocational study programmes, such as BTEC and NVQs are practical and hands on. Choosing this type of course will equip you with skills in a specific sector or trade. Your progress in assessed through projects and practical work and contact with employers is frequent...
For the majority of young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan, their needs can be met within educational settings in Gateshead. If there is no local provision in Gateshead that can meet a young person’s exceptionally complex needs, they may be eligible to...