NHS England Choices College

NHS England Choices College

NHS England Choices College is a national specialist college providing tailored educational support, work experience and supported internships for young adults aged 16-24 with learning disabilities/difficulties and/or Autism. They are opening a new provision based at...
SEND Support for Young People in Gateshead

SEND Support for Young People in Gateshead

Are you a parent or carer of a child or young person who has special educational needs and /or disabilities? The NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board have created a document to help you find out more about where you can access support or advice to...
The Transitions Team

The Transitions Team

Transition-to-Adulthood-Easy-ReadDownload Transitions-Team-LeafletDownload What is Transition?Transition is the process by which young disabled people receive the support they need tomove into adulthood. The transition process should be led by the wishes and needs of...