Anxiety Drop-ins

Anxiety Drop-ins

Is your child or someone you work with (aged 5 – 18years) struggling with anxiety?Why not drop in and meet children’s therapists to discuss what you can do to support? Learn more about strategies to support with transitions. Free resources to take...
Music Spark at The Glasshouse

Music Spark at The Glasshouse

At Music Spark you’ll have fun experimenting with instruments and technology, playing musical games, writing and singing songs – and you’re sure to make some friends along the way too. There are 10 sessions per term for each group – all in our fully accessible venue....
Friends Action North East

Friends Action North East

FANE was established in 2004, is based in Newcastle upon Tyne and the sole purpose of our team is to help adults in the North East of England with learning disabilities to make and keep friends. They have developed a collection of tools and resources to support people...
EHCP Review Information and Templates

EHCP Review Information and Templates

  EHCP referral forms and review paperwork EHCP Process Guidance for Families Education Health Care Plans (EHCP) Annual Review Process – An Information Leaflet For Parents And Carers Education, Health And Care (EHC) Plan – Guidance The Outcomes Booklet – Some Examples...