Independent disagreement resolution (IDR) is a way of resolving disagreements in a quick and non-confrontational way.
Young people with SEN and their parent/carers can use independent disagreement resolution whether or not the child/young person has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan. It’s voluntary for both parties in the disagreement.
Parents/carers and young people can have independent help to resolve a disagreement from Gateshead’s SEN Disability Information Advice Service phone 0191 487 4667.
Difference between Independent Disagreement Resolution and mediation
IDR is different from mediation because: IDR can be used at any time. Mediation is only available when decisions are made by us which...
Four types of disagreement
IDR can be used to help resolve four types of disagreement between: us, parent/carers and young people, governing bodies of maintained schools...
Start an Independent Disagreement Resolution
Get in touch with your case worker (their name will be at the top of any letters you receive from the SEND) or call the SEND Team on 0191 433 3626....