Leaving School and Preparing for Adulthood

Services and Support » Education » Post 16 » Leaving School and Preparing for Adulthood

From Year 11, an Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) Advisor can offer advice and support for young people with SEN on a range of lifestyle issues such as careers, education, training, employment, health and personal development opportunities across Tyne and Wear.

Find out what Gateshead’s IAG advisors can offer young people with SEND, Telephone Gateshead Early Help IAG Service on Tel: 0191 433 2385 Email: IAG@gateshead.gov.uk for more information.

For young people with an EHC Plan, a review meeting will take place in Year 9 (age 13/14) where plans are made for them leaving school and beginning adult life; looking particularly at a young person’s education, health and social care needs and outcomes they will achieve to help prepare them for adulthood.


If you are thinking about what to do next, we would love to share with you some of our post-16 options and get your feedback on what you’d like to do or know more about! – So, what’s next?  🙂